An area featuring a distinctive geological heritage and hosting an impressive number of geosites
noted for their rarity, scientific and educational value, and arresting beauty.

UNESCO Criteria

There are currently 195 UNESCO Geoparks in 48 countries. UNESCO has established the following criteria for a Geopark to gain membership in its network:

1. Geological Heritage of International value 

2. A viable management plan which promotes community and economic development. 

3. A method or plan of action for preserving and enhancing the geological heritage, as well as providing education in the geosciences and related natural sciences. This requires a visibility of the Geopark, its openness and accessibility to geotourism through online and onsite information (website, social media, conferences, publications, hosted tours) 

4. Networking with other Geoparks around the world. 

5. Proposals for communal action put forward to local authorities, community members, private entities and organizations, demonstrating good practices in maintaining world heritage and incorporating the principles of sustainable development.  
